The GDR LiGa is a scientific group ("Groupement de Recherche") created in January 2014 by the CNRS which focuses on the study of the Guianese coast under the influence of the Amazon river ( It is hosted by the CNRS Guyane (USR3456) in Cayenne, French Guiana.
The GDR LiGA organizes in Cayenne, 24-28 november, a multidisciplinary scientific workshop designed to regional, national and international participants which aims to review the activities of the teams involved in the GDR but also more largely to overview the recent advances in research works dedicated to this coastal region.
This workshop will specifically deal with the structure, functioning and dynamics of these coastal ecosystems as well as on their vulnerability to natural forcings and anthropogenic perturbations. Impact of climate changes at global and local scales (e.g. water level rise, extreme climatic events) on this coastal domain and its potential influence on the Guianese population represents represents important scientific questions that will be addressed in the context of this workshop. Studies on mangroves, mudflats, beaches, estuaries, narrow islands, coastal waters and coastal plain environments and associated populations of mangrove trees, seabirds, sea turtles, regional marine fauna being emblematic, or of halieutic interest will be in particularly considered.
While a peculiar focus will be put on the Guianese coastal domain, this workshop will more widely deal with the whole Amazonian coastal domain, from the Amazon estuary (north Brasil) to the Orenoque delta (Venezuela) through various topical sessions.
Languages : French, English, Portuguese (simultaneous translation)
Oral communcations and posters
Registrations on CNRS Azur Colloque website.
Programme of the Workshop LiGA 2015 is available by there.